Standard Video Production Services
Thank you for your interest in Shave! On this page we outline the standard video production services which we use to structure most of our projects, provide examples of projects that we have produced using each of these services, and list the services' general cost ranges.

Remote Pre-production
We do most of our Pre-production remotely. This includes virtual meetings, storyboarding the video, creating shots lists, making arrangements for on-site filming, booking the crew, scheduling the filming and Post-production milestones, and booking travel reservations when necessary. We typically organize our Pre-production through Google Drive, which makes it easy for all the stakeholders to collaborate with each other.
Onsite Pre-production
Onsite Pre-production may include site visits, in-person meetings, and test photography. We may do onsite Pre-production when we are beginning an engagement, need to meet with key stakeholders, or have a multitude of potential site-related logistical considerations for which we should plan before the day of filming.
Standard Rate:
$500 - $2,000, depending on the scope of the project.
Production is often synonymous with filming, but it actually includes not only the time spent actively filming, but also the setup time (some projects require a full day of setup, or more), travel, and after the filming is completed, the process of offloading the raw footage for the editor. Unless special equipment is required (like a crane, or a drone operated by an FAA-certified pilot), our Production rates cover both the crew and all of their equipment.
We have five basic Production options, which we outline in detail below. These Production options are starting points. We will customize our crew configuration and equipment to meet your project's specific needs.

Production Option 1: Single Producer / Camera Operator

Some projects require a light footprint, and this is where a Single Producer / Camera Operator is the best approach.
Single Producer / Camera Operator
Cinema camera with tripod, on-camera microphone, lavaliere / lapel microphone.
Less visible filming in sensitive environments, fewer logistics involved, lowest-cost option.
Less flexibility in what we can film, usually less overall footage, and our equipment is limited to what one person can reasonably transport while also working.
Ideal for:
Light coverage of an event
Basic b roll filming, using natural light
Sensitive situations where fewer people is better - however, a 2-person team is sometimes faster and less intrusive than a single camera operator transporting lots of equipment.
Sample work with a Single Producer / Camera Operator:
Standard Rate:
$2,000 per day