The Art of Brand Video Creation for Higher Education, Tips from our Boston Video Production Team
A brand video tailored for higher ed is an essential marketing asset that tells the high-level story of an institution, giving viewers a sense of its ethos and mission. These videos can be leveraged across digital platforms to attract prospective students and connect with the larger campus community. A brand video can be used and […]

How to Craft Compelling Event Videos for Higher Education
At Shave, our higher education clients often ask our Boston video production team to produce sizzle reels, or recap videos, of important campus events such as a commencement ceremony or a thought-provoking symposium. The goal of these videos is to not only sum up institutional events in a captivating way, but to create a digital […]

Renewing Our Commitment to Video Production for Higher Education in 2024
For Shave's Boston video production team, colleges and universities are cornerstones of the communities in which we live, work, and play. Our main office is located blocks away from Harvard and Boston Universities, much of our video production and photography takes place in higher education locations, and we regularly find ourselves on campuses for day-to-day […]

Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid with Event Video Production
Tips from a Boston Video Production Company For over a decade our Boston video production team has produced videos at events for organizations of all sizes, creating everything from awards videos that we filmed, edited and delivered onsite to fast-paced sizzle reels to promote the next conference. We have learned a lot from our experiences, […]